Silver Award 2023
In 2023, Beech Hill was awarded Silver status as a Rights Respecting School. This means that we place the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the values of dignity, justice and respect at the front and centre of all that we do. We are currently working towards becoming gold again in the near future.
Silver Award Accreditation Report
The Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of a school’s planning, policies, practice and ethos. A rights-respecting school not only teaches about children’s rights but also models rights and respect in all its relationships: between teachers / adults and pupils, between adults and between pupils.
(‘Article 12 of the UNCRC – your right to be listened to and have your opinion respected’).
School council winners 2024-25
Laraid Ghani
Year 1
Wales – Faseeha Naeem
Northern Ireland – Pavla Horvathova
Scotland – Ameera Mahmood
Year 2
Canada – Yusuf Qazeem
Switzerland – Sara Pjetri
Year 3
Mexico – Anika Jeyarajan
Morocco – Moeen Shanawaz
Jordan – Areeba Nasir
Year 4
Australia – Habiba Badar
South Africa – Ozaan Ahmadi
France – Mohammed Alanazi
Year 5
Denmark – Kiara Srivastava
Singapore – Thiago Guarnizo
Year 6
Egypt – Ayden Dar
Tanzania – Ehsan Wakkas
The Rights Respecting School Council is made up of elected members who give the school its ‘pupil voice’. Members of the School Council are elected after giving a speech/presentation to their class about their ideas and how they plan on representing their class members’ ideas and thoughts.
The School Council consists of one pupil from each class from Reception to year 6.
Our School Councillors have put together a video to explain the rights of children and to give examples of how Beech Hill meets the needs and rights for ALL children.
We explore a focus Article from the UNCRC each fortnight through a lead-assembly and follow up work is completed in class and as part of holiday projects. Furthermore, we promote each articles in our newsletters that are sent to all families on our online learning platform on Seesaw. Here is an example.
This poster below shows all 42 articles that we discuss throughout the year in assemblies and through class discussions. Some of these articles are displayed around the school so children can familiarise themselves and understand their meanings.
We hold School Council meetings regularly so pupils can express their freedom of expression (Article 13). Here are some examples of children’s posters explaining the different rights of children.
Please talk to your children at home about the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Global Goals and what it means to be ‘rights respecting’. You will find that our children are passionate, informed and eloquent about their aspirations for making the world a better place and responding to global challenges and contemporary issues.
Some of our Rights Respecting School Council have been busy helping volunteers from the Halifax Community Fridge pack all the food collected for the Harvest Festival collection.
A big thank you for the fantastic effort from all our families. Thank you so much for your support!
Some representatives of our school council visited Heptonstall Primary School.
It was an opportunity for them to see the school and do some work alongside school councillors from our other Trust Schools: Dean Field, Shirley Manor and Heptonstall.