School of Sanctuary

School of Sanctuary Award

Beech Hill School is the first in the borough to achieve ‘School of Sanctuary’ status, an initiative organised UK-wide by City of Sanctuary and supported by the local group, Calderdale Valley of Sanctuary. Calderdale Mayor, Cllr Angie Gallagher, presented the award.

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We are very proud of the work we do to welcome refugees and asylum seekers. Many of these families have fled from places where their lives are at risk. We take pride in offering a place of safety for refugees and asylum seekers and ensuring that Beech Hill a place where they feel, happy settled and part of a school community.

Beech Hill School is also a Rights Respecting School, an award that recognises a school’s achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into practice within the school. One of the UN Rights is about recognise refugee children have the same rights as any other child.

As part of the ‘The Calderdale Welcomes you’ initiative, the children at Beech Hill created posters and poems to show how they would welcome refugees and asylum seekers into the community.

5000 Miles Project

Year 6 pupils took part in the 5000 miles project with verd de gris.
A professional storyteller worked weekly over a term, to prepare a performance, based on refugees’ stories, told in their own words. The work culminated in a performance to other students, teachers, parents and the local community at the Square Chapel of Arts.

Please see the verd de gris website for more information


Refugee and Asylum assembly

If you hover over the above presentation you can find the navigation buttons on the bottom left

We are working closely with Calderdale Valley of Sanctuary who take pride in offering a place of safety for refugees and celebrating asylum seekers’ and refugees’ contributions to Calderdale.

We are working to become a School of Sanctuary.

To find out more, please visit Calderdale Valley of Sanctuary website