OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning)
We are delighted to announce that Beech Hill has started it’s OPAL journey.
OPAL is an award-winning, mentor supported school improvement programme that addresses all the areas that schools must plan for if they want to improve the quality of their play opportunities. OPAL is the only programme of its kind that has been independently proven to sustainably improve the quality of play in British primary schools.
For more information, please click on the link below.
Spring update
We’ve been working hard since September to grow and develop our provision and play opportunities for the children within the playground. The children are loving the wheeled play—the balance bikes are loved by children of all ages and now the Roktagon is open, it means that more children are challenging themselves to have a go and scale to great heights. The basketball hoops are also proving very popular whether that be just shooting hoops or having a small game between friends, and the fitness challenge board is another addition that children are getting involved in. Our range of small world toys has been developed with children having access to toy cars and Lego to play with. There will be dolls and road planks coming very soon.