A ‘young carer’ is defined in section 96 of the Children and Families Act 2014 as: ‘…a person under 18 who provides or intends to provide care for another person’. This relates to care for any family member who is physically or mentally ill, elderly, disabled or misuses alcohol or substances.’
Taken from ‘The Children’s Society’ Website, 2018
At Beech Hill School we are committed to meeting the needs of young carers so that they can attend and enjoy school in the same ways as other pupils. We acknowledge that there are pupils in our school who may well have caring roles at home. We aim to support young carers through a whole school approach as well as alongside working with other agencies and professionals.
We know that young carers may need additional support to make sure that they have equal access to education and that they are able to reach their full potential.
In school, we have a team of adults who support young carers. Our leads are Mrs Hussain who is the Head Teacher, Mrs Bowling who is Deputy Head Teacher for Lower School and Inclusion, Mrs Cockcroft who is Deputy Head Teacher for Upper School and Mrs Hunter who is the school’s Lead Learning Mentor. The school also has four additional Learning Mentors who support young carers too.
Young carers can get support though: